‘Nimbus’ is an optical illusion in which illuminated lines seem to interact with the spectator. The object consist of hollow blocks which block or show the lighting behind. In each row, the blocks are angled in a differently which has effects on the timing of the interaction. The concrete blocks are custom made with 3D-printed molds.


The project was proposed for a community center called ‘De Moer’ in Belgium, a former church, to create a connection between the building and it’s surrounding. The building had a closed character which was originally meant to create privacy for the services within the church. The most important feature of the architecture is that the walls and windows are designed in a way that it blocks the view from outside into the building and still have a lot windows to create light spaces. This feature was the starting point for the concept. In the propasal this feature is repeated which created a chain reaction of viewing and blocking illuminated spaces. The pulsating light lines between the spectator and the community center are meant to invite and enter the building.

This design was applied for a design contest by community center ‘De Moer’ in Vosselaar, Belgium. The design made it to the last round of three participants.